Budd Hopkins

American, 1931 - 2011

Budd Hopkins was born in Wheeling, West Virginia on June 15th, 1931. Hopkins was a painter, sculptor, and raconteur of note as he was a central figure in alien abduction phenomena and related UFO research.

Hopkins graduated from Oberlin College in 1953 and, in that same year, moved to New York City. Hopkins' art is in the permanent collections in the Whitney Museum, the Guggenheim Museum, Hirshhorn Museum, and the Museum of Modern Art. He received grants or endowments from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts. His articles on art have appeared in numerous magazines and journals. Hopkins viewed collage as an artistic technique and a philosophical, aesthetic means of unifying a disjointed and fragmented world. Hopkins worked to achieve harmony, clarity and precision while maintaining a sense of mystery.

On August 21st of 2011, Budd Hopkins passed away in New York City.

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